Breakdowns in the Breakout Room: Care Ecologies in the Contemporary Art Studio

Breakdowns in the Breakout Room: Care Ecologies in the Contemporary Art Studio

This paper proposes that new understandings of peer networks and social learning foundational to studio-based pedagogy are shaped through care ecologies in the art school studio. This feminist model of care ecologies draws together Jane Tronto’s transformative conception of care with feminist philosopher Daryl Koehn’s value proposition of receptive listening in terms of the relationality of care ethics and in forming bonds of connection. However, the translation of these experiences of connection and collaboration into the online learning environment requires further consideration. In the current climate of short response lock-downs and the need to adapt learning activities from physical studios and galleries, to online platforms and virtual spaces – students and educators alike require resilience. This paper investigates how pedagogical frameworks of care can guide this process and lay the foundations for sustainable models of practice.

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